Vital Body

The most powerful tool on earth is the human soul on "fire".

A strong vital body gives individuals the energy and ability to creatively project themselves into any environment. When a person wants to project his energy onto the environment in a way which will bring success, influence, popularity, and a good reputation, then he will use one of the eight personalities for doing so. When someone meets you for the first time they are mostly feeling your vital body personality. When you go for a job interview for example, you can learn to project more of your vital body personality.

The vital body, subtler than the physical body, coordinates the flow of energy through the physiology so that we feel comfortable. This body also has an effect on our ability to recover quickly and easily from physical illness (immune system). When our energy body comes under stress and tension, then we suffer the stress syndrome: chronic fatigue, insomnia, tension, anxiety etc. Stress can come from physical imbalances and also from psychological and environmental factors. Stress can be managed effectively through breathing practices, mantra, geomancy (feng shui), Bach Flower remedies. YLB provides specific suggestions regarding these stress management techniques in your consultation.

The vital body also governs self esteem/self confidence.

The vital body is balanced most specifically by how one’s environment is set up.